Why Is the Air Coming from My Furnace Cold?

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Why Is the Air Coming from My Furnace Cold


If you’ve ever come home to a freezing house only to find that your furnace is running but not producing warm air, you’re not alone. This can be an incredibly frustrating problem and one that requires some troubleshooting. Here’s what you need to know about why the air coming from your furnace might be cold and how to fix it.

Common Reasons for Cold Air from a Furnace:

There are several reasons why the air from your furnace might be cold. The most common reasons are:

The Pilot Light Is Out – One reason could be that the pilot light on your furnace is out. Check the pilot light and make sure it’s lit. If it isn’t, refer to your owner’s manual for instructions on how to relight it.

The Thermostat Is Set Too Low – Another possibility is that your thermostat is set too low. Check the temperature setting on your thermostat and ensure it is at least 5° higher than the current room temperature.

Dirty Filters – A third potential cause of cold air from your furnace could be dirty filters in your system. Make sure you replace or clean any filters regularly as recommended by the manufacturer of your system.

Blocked Vents – Lastly, if there are blocked vents in or around your home, this could also cause cold air from a running furnace. Check all vents in or around your home and ensure they are clear of debris or furniture blocking them.

If none of these steps solve the problem, you may have a more complicated issue with your system and should contact an HVAC technician to diagnose and repair it safely and correctly.

Knowing common problems can help homeowners troubleshoot their heating issues quickly when they arise so they can get back to feeling comfortable at home soon!


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